Friday, October 25, 2013

Basic Make Up!

My first post about beauty! Haha.

     So actually I've been learning to put some make ups on my beautiful (what's with the hate haha I'm trying to be thankful for what I have, okay? lol) face. Make ups that I put on usually is very very light to the point that people barely see that I put it on. But you still can see the difference between my bare face and my face with make ups.

bare faced Resty

Resty with make up on

     Can you restizens tell the difference? Yes, right. It's mainly on the eyes area. I'm getting better at applying the eye make ups. I only use simple/basic materials like eye brows pencil, eye liner, mascara, dark eye shadow, and pencil liner. All the products are from Etude House from South Korea because I've tested them when I was visiting that country. Other products I use are usually South Korean brands, like The Face Shop, Skin Food, Nature Republic, Tony Moly, Missha, and Holika Holika. Beside, the products mostly have the same concept, which is natural beauty. That's why people barely see the difference between me before and after applying make ups.

        I've been planning to post about the product reviews as well in the future, so anticipate it a lot!^^

New page is on the way!

It's been a while since my last post... sorry... ㅠ_ㅜ but anyway I've just graduated so I have plenty times in hands! I'm going to post more. Oh and I see the pattern that people visit my blog for mostly the lyric and ASEAN or South Korea stuff. Should I post about them more? Well oh well since my beloved restizens got all the AEC 2015 and Hallyu hypes, I promise you fellas to post about em more, happy now? Hehehehe.

And!!! One more thing, I'm going to add pages section just so you could find the section easier.
Look at the top, under the header please. Tadaaa!!! There are pages!!! Which basically consist of:
mostly shit I write regarding my interest of study, recent issues, book review, movie review, and sometimes lyrics

since I'm now a woman (well shut up?) I think I can write some shit related to make ups and more shit about looks and fashion or whatevs

fun trivial shit, traveling experiences, translations, lyrics, random shit that popped up out of nowhere

Sounds good? no? well I don't care this is my blog anyway lol. Thank you so much for those who anticipate, visit, read shit I write. I love you marvelous restizens! Mwah!